英语电子书|The Real-Deal Bridal Bible: The Ultimate Wedding Planner to Help You Blush Like a Bride and Plan Like a Bitch

书籍英文名: The Real-Deal Bridal Bible: The Ultimate Wedding Planner to Help You Blush Like a Bride and Plan Like a Bitch
书籍作者:Macaluso, Alessandra
书籍简介:If you are planning a wedding you’ll ask yourself obvious questions, like where would I like to get married? What dress will I wear? And, where should we honeymoon? But unexpected little buggers will also pop up, such as: Why is my bestie acting like she swallowed four Xanax and washed them down with three mimosas? Why does my mom’s face twitch like that when I talk reception ideas? How come everyone shares opinions, without me asking? And, upon finding yourself locked in a closet: What are the going rates for a room for two at the Little White Wedding Chapel in Vegas? The Bitch’s Bridal Bible prepares you for all the instances that arise as you embark on this awesome, crazy, amazing journey, as well as life beyond. Planning a wedding is a wonderful time in your life. But it can also be overwhelming, and the whole process has a funny way of bringing out the crazy in everyone around you. It’s easy to get caught in the chaos and, before you know it, you’ve said your “I do’s” and it’s over without you having a chance to do things your way. This book will prevent that from happening. It will provide you clarity, management tools, and will help you balance all the moving parts. It will prepare you for everything you need to know – the real things – so you can plan the wedding that best reflects you while keeping your sanity, finances, and relationships intact. Whether you are thinking about marriage, are engaged, or are well past your wedding, you will find entertainment and advice in this book which you can use long after the last dance
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