英语电子书|Wedding Planning and Management: Consultancy for Diverse Clients

书籍英文名: Wedding Planning and Management: Consultancy for Diverse Clients
书籍作者:Maggie Daniels, Carrie Loveless
书籍简介:Wedding Planning and Management provides a comprehensive introduction to the planning and management of weddings. Looking through an event management lens, Maggie Daniels and Carrie Loveless thoroughly explore the foundations, practice, and business of wedding planning. They include over 50 case studies, provide planning checklists, and set standards for best practice. The emphasis on diversity encompasses traditions from cultures around the globe. The book is designed so that consultants, brides, grooms, vendors, scholars, and those simply fascinated by weddings can appreciate and apply the material. Visually stunning with over 150 images captured by award winning photojournalist Rodney Bailey, the full color pages lavishly illustrate concepts and spark the imagination. Award Winning Book, Best of Category: http://www.bbboston.org/pageAboutUs_BookShowWinners.cfm’showYear=2008 As featured on ABC News Nightline and United Press International * The first textbook on wedding consulting, with pedagogical features like introduction of theory, illustration through case studies, worksheets, checklists * Places wedding planning and management into a larger events management context* Provides practical resources and best practices for wedding consulting
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