The Fifth Discipline: The Art and Practice of the Learning Organization 养成阅读英文电子书的习惯,让自己徜徉在英语书的海洋里! 书籍英文名:The Fifth Discipline: The Art...
Change by Design: How Design Thinking Transforms Organizations and Inspires Innovation 养成阅读英文电子书的习惯,让自己徜徉在英语书的海洋里! 书籍英文名:Change by Design: How Design...
Doughnut Economics: Seven ways to think like a 21st-century economist 养成阅读英文电子书的习惯,让自己徜徉在英语书的海洋里! 书籍英文名:Doughnut Economics: Seven ways to think...
Presence: An Exploration of Profound Change in People, Organizations and Society 养成阅读英文电子书的习惯,让自己徜徉在英语书的海洋里! 书籍英文名:Presence: An Exploration of Profound...
Theory U: Leading from the Future as It Emerges 养成阅读英文电子书的习惯,让自己徜徉在英语书的海洋里! 书籍英文名:Theory U: Leading from the Future as...
Theories of Human Communication 养成阅读英文电子书的习惯,让自己徜徉在英语书的海洋里! 书籍英文名:Theories of Human Communication 书籍作者:Stephen W. Littlejohn, Karen A. Foss, John G. Oetzel 书籍简介:‘Theories...
The Fill-In Boyfriend 养成阅读英文电子书的习惯,让自己徜徉在英语书的海洋里! 书籍英文名:The Fill-In Boyfriend 书籍作者:West Kasie 书籍简介: 购买提示:付款后,会在1~8小时内通过邮件发送ebook资源库链接,如有疑问请加微信dreamer901204,谢谢! 担心购买后,不发货?看看我们读者反馈👉 读者反馈 The Other Einstein Radio Silence...
Rhetorical criticism: exploration and practice 养成阅读英文电子书的习惯,让自己徜徉在英语书的海洋里! 书籍英文名:Rhetorical criticism: exploration and practice 书籍作者:Foss, Sonja K. 书籍简介:”With an unparalleled talent...
Radio Silence 养成阅读英文电子书的习惯,让自己徜徉在英语书的海洋里! 书籍英文名:Radio Silence 书籍作者:Alice Oseman 书籍简介: 购买提示:付款后,会在1~8小时内通过邮件发送ebook资源库链接,如有疑问请加微信dreamer901204,谢谢! 担心购买后,不发货?看看我们读者反馈👉 读者反馈 The Only Woman in the Room Unorthodox:...
The Other Einstein 养成阅读英文电子书的习惯,让自己徜徉在英语书的海洋里! 书籍英文名: The Other Einstein 书籍作者:Benedict Marie 书籍简介: 购买提示:付款后,会在1~8小时内通过邮件发送ebook资源库链接,如有疑问请加微信dreamer901204,谢谢! 担心购买后,不发货?看看我们读者反馈👉 读者反馈 The Ambassador’s Daughter The...