To the man I love, to my future. The first time I felt your presence, I began...
To you, love was about multitudes. To me, love was inordinate. I love you, I would say....
It was all I wanted for the longest time—to open my eyes and see you there. To...
I loved how his eyes danced merrily, and the gentle way he spoke; the way he filled...
I fell in love on the third kiss, the first snow, the last slow dance. Ask me...
It was how we began. Your mouth against mine, your fingers tracing along the back of my...
《客中行》 李白 兰陵美酒郁金香, 玉碗盛来琥珀光。 但使主人能醉客, 不知何处是他乡。 《While Journeying》 How flavorous is golden-tulip Lanling wine! Filling my bowl...
《美人出南国》 李白 美人出南国, 灼灼芙蓉姿。 皓齿终不发, 芳心空自持。 自来紫宫女, 共妒青峨眉。 归来潇湘沚, 沉吟何足悲? 《The Beauty Born In South》 The beauty...