The Circular Economy Handbook: Realizing The Circular Advantage 获取ebook资源库微信ID:dreamer901204 书籍英文名: The Circular Economy Handbook: Realizing The Circular...
Climate Justice: Hope, Resilience, and the Fight for a Sustainable Future 获取ebook资源库微信ID:dreamer901204 书籍英文名: Climate Justice: Hope, Resilience,...
Biomimicry: Innovation Inspired by Nature 获取ebook资源库微信ID:dreamer901204 书籍英文名: Biomimicry: Innovation Inspired by Nature 书籍作者 :Janine M Benyus 书籍简介:This...
Small Is Beautiful: Economics as if People Mattered 获取ebook资源库微信ID:dreamer901204 书籍英文名: Small Is Beautiful: Economics as if People...
Zero Waste Home: The Ultimate Guide to Simplifying Your Life by Reducing Your Waste 获取ebook资源库微信ID:dreamer901204 书籍英文名: Zero...
Consensus Design 获取ebook资源库微信ID:dreamer901204 书籍英文名: Consensus Design 书籍作者 :Christopher Day, Rosie Parnell BA (architecture) DipArch 书籍简介:Consensus Design offers a...
How Bad Are Bananas?: The Carbon Footprint of Everything 获取ebook资源库微信ID:dreamer901204 书籍英文名: How Bad Are Bananas?: The Carbon...
Rhythms of the brain 获取ebook资源库微信ID:dreamer901204 书籍英文名: Rhythms of the brain 书籍作者 :Gyorgy Buzsaki 书籍简介:Studies of mechanisms in...
The Upcycle 获取ebook资源库微信ID:dreamer901204 书籍英文名: The Upcycle 书籍作者 :McDonough, William, Braungart, Michael 书籍简介:In this follow-up to Cradle to Cradle, the authors...
No Land to Light On 获取ebook资源库微信ID:dreamer901204 书籍英文名: No Land to Light On 书籍作者 :Yara Zgheib 书籍简介:Exit West meets An...