719 The One With Ross and Monica’s Cousin [Scene: Central Perk, Monica and Phoebe are on the...
Charles Yin
718 The One With Joey’s Award [Scene: Central Perk, Phoebe and Monica are there as Joey is...
717 The One With The Cheap Wedding Dress [Scene: Central Perk, Monica, Chandler, Phoebe, and Joey are...
716 The One With The Truth About London [Scene: Joey and Rachel’s, Rachel is filing her nails...
715 The One With Joey’s New Brain [Scene: Monica and Chandler’s, Monica, Chandler, Ross, and Rachel are...
714 The One Where They All Turn Thirty [Scene: Joey and Rachel’s, Joey is knocking on Rachel’s...
713 The One Where Rosita Dies [Scene: Joey and Rachel’s, Rachel is trying to move Joey’s chair...
712 The One Where They’re Up All Night [Scene: The Building’s Roof, the entire gang plus Tag...
711 The One With All The Cheesecakes [Scene: Chandler and Monica’s, Chandler is sitting at the kitchen...
710 The One With the Holiday Armadillo [Scene: Monica, Chandler, and Phoebe’s, Chandler is on the phone,...