英语电子书|Future Positive: Change Your Mindset for a Positive Future

书籍英文名:Future Positive: Change Your Mindset for a Positive Future
书籍作者:Edward de Bono
书籍简介:“Of one thing in life we can be sure. The quality of our life in the future will depend on the quality of our thinking.” Why are we more prone to be negative? And how can we become more positive, both as individuals and as a society? We need to develop new concepts: some brand new and some slightly different. We have to make a deliberate and positive effort to secure a positive future; we must harness the focused power of human thinking unleashed from its pettiness. Since Future Positive was first published in 1979, our belief in the power of positive thinking has only deepened. De Bono was on to something in 1979: the future is positive—if we want it to be.
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