To have striven, to have made the ef ort, to have been true to certain ideals — this alone is worth the struggle. —William Osler
We fantasize about the day we receive a trophy, cash out, step on the scales and see the perfect weight, travel to this beautiful place, step into this new spacious house, or marry that beautiful girl or guy.
The focus is on the success, not the struggle. And it’s understandable — success is glamorous, memorable, and marketable, while the struggle is drab, disagreeable, and unattractive for the general public.
Yet, it’s making the effort, struggling, and sticking to your resolutions that shapes you as a person. Success is a reward for having given it your best, but it’s not always within your control whether and when you get to enjoy it.
Whenever you find yourself discouraged by your lack of success, remind yourself that the process alone is your reward. It’s in your hands whether you allow yourself to see the rewards the struggle generates or ignore them, mindlessly pursing the end result as the sole indicator of success.
I failed numerous times in business. I could have despaired that I had lost so much time and money, but I hadn’t really failed. I had been true to my values of pursuing the entrepreneurial life. I kept going, despite the obstacles I constantly encountered along the way. Over and over again, I beat entrepreneurial depression and found it in myself yet again to get back up and try again.
Eventually my efforts paid off, but even if it had taken longer to get the results — or if I had died before reaching them — the struggle would still have been worth it for the immense changes I underwent on the journey to pursue my dream.
【365天自律成长英语笔记】 DAY 52-On Thinking for Yourself