英文电子书|How to Behave: A Pocket Manual of Etiquette, and Guide to Correct Personal Habits (Classic Reprint)

书籍英文名:How to Behave: A Pocket Manual of Etiquette, and Guide to Correct Personal Habits (Classic Reprint)
书籍作者:Samuel Roberts Wells
书籍简介:16 HOW TO HERA V’E. I .. ~ tr snn a r ~ abit s. U Attention to the pel’Sonis tho first neoessity of good manner8.”-A”o~ I.-WHERE TO CO:fME~CE. IF you wish to commence aright the study of manners you must ma.ke your own person the first lesson. If yon neglect this you ,,-ill apply yourself to those which follow with very little profit. Omit, therefore. any other ~hD.ptel” in the book rather than this. The proper care and adornment of the person is a. social as well as an individual duty. You have a right to go about with unwashed hands and facoJ and to wear wiled and untidy ga.rments, perhaps, but you hnve no right to offend the senges of others by dis· playing snch hands, face, and garments in society. Other people have rights as well as yourself, and no right of yonrs can extend so far as to infringe then’s. nut we may safely assume that no reader of those pages wishes to render hinu~elf disgusting or even d.ig. agreeable or to cut himself off from the sociTable of Contents CONTENTS;
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