
书籍英文名:How to Stop Worrying and Start Living
书籍作者:戴尔·卡耐基 Dale Carnegie
书籍简介: Learn how to break the worry habit — Now and forever!
With Dale Carnegie’s timeless advice in hand, more than six million people have learned how to eliminate debilitating fear and worry from their lives and to embrace a worry-free future. In this classic work, How to Stop Worrying and Start Living, Carnegie offers a set of practical formulas that you can put to work today. It is a book packed with lessons that will last a lifetime and make that lifetime happier!
- Eliminate fifty percent of business worries immediately
- Reduce financial worries
- Avoid fatigue — and keep looking young
- Add one hour a day to your waking life
- Find yourself and be yourself — remember there is no one else on earth like you!
Fascinating to read and easy to apply, How to Stop Worrying and Start Living deals with fundamental emotions and life-changing ideas. There’s no need to live with worry and anxiety that keep you from enjoying a full, active life!
《人性的优点》又名《卡内基成功人生三部曲》共分为六部分,分别为揭开忧虑的真实面目、分析忧虑的基本方法、怎样戒除忧虑的习性、快乐康泰的心情、毋为责难而烦恼、精力充沛的六种方法。书中通过对真实事例的阐述与分析,教你如何击败人类的生存之敌—— 忧虑;如何防止疲惫,保持精力充沛等。这本充满智慧和力量的书能让你了解自己,相信自己,充分开发蕴藏在身心里而尚未利用的财富,发挥人性的优点,去开拓成功幸福的新生活之路。