
书籍英文名:The Godfather
书籍作者:马里奥·普佐 Mario Puzo
书籍简介:The story of Don Vito Corleone, the head of a New York Mafia family, inspired some of the most successful movies ever. It is in Mario Puzo’s The Godfather that Corleone first appears. As Corleone’s desperate struggle to control the Mafia underworld unfolds, so does the story of his family. The novel is full of exquisitely detailed characters who, despite leading unconventional lifestyles within a notorious crime family, experience the triumphs and failures of the human condition. Filled with the requisite valor, love, and rancor of a great epic, The Godfather is the definitive gangster novel. 在巨大财富的背后,都隐藏着罪恶。血腥、暴力、夺权、说一不二、叱咤风云……这样的字眼充满教父的一生,但是也意味着他的灵魂交给了罪恶……一本描写资本主义社会中黑暗社会现象的最具权威的作品。《教父》详细描绘了一个家庭不惜用枪、用斧、用绞刑具、用攻心战来实现自己对整个美国地下黑势力集团体系的独霸控制的详细过程。这里描写的都是双手沾满血腥的坏蛋,但读者却对他们却有一种类似“崇拜”情感,也许世人觉得复仇是个理由。