If something scares you in an excited way, (something that *gives* you energy) — that’s a good sign. BUT IF SOMETHING IS MAKING YOU MISERABLE AND DRAINING YOUR ENERGY,PLEASE STOP. Life is telling you that is not the path for you. —Derek Sivers
When you think about pursuing your goals, you might be tempted to think that the process will be long, arduous, and painful. While it’s good to assume that it won’t be a walk in the park, there’s a danger in equating the journey with being miserable.
Self-discipline is powerful as long as you apply it to the goals you care about— the ones that, even when they are difficult to accomplish, energize you. If, as Derek Sivers points out, your goal is draining your energy, chances are it’s better to stop.
For example, I was working on building a company in the Software as a Service industry. I know nothing about programming, and this business not only required some technical knowledge, but also relied heavily on phone sales — something I hate to the core.
My goal to build a successful company was of immense importance to me, but the path I chose was making me so miserable that I hated waking up every morning. I could have pressed on, tapping into the deepest reservoirs of my willpower, but ultimately life was telling me that this path wasn’t for me; I made the right decision to cut my losses and sell the business.
365天自律成长英语笔记 DAY 17-On Rising from the Ashes of Failure