Millionaire Expat
书籍英文名: Millionaire Expat
书籍简介: Build your strongest-ever portfolio from anywhere in the world Now in its third edition, Millionaire Expat is the world’s most trusted, bestselling guide for expat investors. It shows readers how to protect themselves from financial sharks and build effective portfolios that maximize profits and tax efficiency. This updated guide includes model portfolios of ETFs or index funds. It recommends subtle differences for investors based on nationality, while explaining why all-in-one portfolio funds are even simpler and more profitable than individual ETFs. Millionaire Expat also provides investment models for socially responsible funds. Best of all, this book is specific. Author Andrew Hallam doesn’t just offer theory. He shows you exactly what to buy and where to buy it from. He explains how much you should sell each year, upon retirement, and discusses repatriation: showing how different countries deal with the taxation of portfolios that were built abroad. And if you’re looking for a hands-free approach.
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