书籍英文名:The Hunchback of Notre-Dame
书籍作者:维克多·雨果 Victor Hugo
书籍简介: Set in medieval Paris, Victor Hugo’s powerful historical romance has resonated with succeeding generations ever since its publication in 1837. It tells the story of the beautiful gypsy Esmeralda, condemned as a witch by the tormented archdeacon Claude Frollo, who lusts after her. Quasimodo, the deformed bell ringer of Notre Dame Cathedral, having fallen in love with the kindhearted Esmeralda, tries to save her by hiding her in the cathedral’s tower. When a crowd of Parisian peasants, misunderstanding Quasimodo’s motives, attacks the church in an attempt to liberate her, the story ends in tragedy. 长篇小说《巴黎圣母院》又名《钟楼怪人》,是法国文豪维克多·雨果第一部引起轰动效应的浪漫派小说。小说以十五世纪路易十一统治下的法国为背景,通过一个纯洁无辜的波希米亚女郎惨遭迫害的故事,揭露了教士的阴险卑鄙,宗教法庭的野蛮残忍,贵族的荒淫无耻和国王的专横残暴。作品鲜明地体现了反封建、反教会的意识和对人民群众的赞颂。

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