英语电子书|Maximum performance: a practical guide to leading and managing people at work
书籍英文名:Maximum performance: a practical guide to leading and managing people at work
书籍作者:Nick Forster
书籍简介:This book integrates several perspectives on leadership and people management, including those of real-life leaders, business commentators, management consultants and academics – with a fourth dimension: what we’ve already known about effective leadership and people management throughout the ages, and yet seem to have to ‘reinvent’ with each new generation. The book also synthesizes materials from more than 700 books, articles, professional journals, newspapers and websites. What appears here represents a distillation of the best practical ideas about leadership and people management of recent times, condensed into a form that busy managers and professionals can assimilate and make immediate use of at work, in large, medium-sized or small organizations, and in the public or private sector.
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