英语电子书|Stay Woke: A Meditation Guide for the Rest of Us
书籍英文名:Stay Woke: A Meditation Guide for the Rest of Us
书籍作者:Justin Michael Williams
书籍简介:A no-nonsense guide to establishing a personal meditation practice, changing your life, and taking hold of your dreams.
CONFESSION: This is not really a meditation book.
Yes, you’re going to learn everything you need to know about meditation, but if you came looking for a typical guide to mindfulness, you’re in the wrong place. We are modern people in a high-tech world. We have first world problems and long to-do lists. And if you grew up in struggle—overcoming homophobia, sexism, trauma, shame, depression, poverty, toxic masculinity, racism, or social injustice—you need a different type of meditation … one that doesn’t pretend the struggle doesn’t exist.
Here you will discover:
– How to actually find stillness when your mind is going crazy
– Why most guided meditations get boring after a while
– What nobody tells you about “setting intentions” and the scientific process to manifesting
– Four hidden habits that sabotage your growth—and how to move past them
– Proven techniques to overcome anxiety, stress, and trouble sleeping
– Daily rituals that cement and enrich your practice
– How to use mindfulness to take action toward the causes you believe in and get sh!t done
Whether you’ve tried meditation but it never sticks, or you’ve heard about it but never gave it a shot, Justin Michael Williams guides you step by step in creating a custom meditation ritual that fits in with your busy (and sometimes messy!) modern life. With free downloadable audio meditations every step of the way, Stay Woke gives people of all genders, identities, colors, religions, ages, and economic backgrounds the tools to stop wasting time, overcome self-doubt, and wake up to the lives we were really born to live.
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