英语电子书|Key Performance Indicators: Developing, Implementing, and Using Winning KPIs

书籍英文名: Key Performance Indicators: Developing, Implementing, and Using Winning KPIs
书籍作者:David Parmenter
书籍简介:The new edition of the bestselling guide on creating and using key performance indicators–offers significant new and revised content
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) help define and measure the organizational goals which are fundamental to an organization’s current and future success. Having solid KPIs is crucial for companies that are implementing performance management systems, such as balanced scorecards, six sigma, or activity-based management. In many organizations, KPIs are often too numerous, randomly assembled, and overly complex–essentially rendering them ineffectual, or at worse, counterproductive.Key Performance Indicatorsprovides a model for simplifying the complex areas of KPIs while helping organizations avoid common mistakes and hazards.
Now in its fourth edition, this bestselling guide has been extensively revised and updated to incorporate practical lessons drawn from major implementations. Fresh content includes a more concise KPI methodology with clear implementation guidance, original insights on how other areas of performance management can be corrected, and new in-depth case studies. A revised starter kit is included to identify critical success factors, and the KPI resource kit contains updated worksheets, workshop programs, and questionnaires. Helping readers to better define and measure progress toward goals, this important guide:
Dispels the myths of performance measurement and explains a simple, yet powerful KPI methodology Explains the 12-step model for developing and using KPIs with guidelines Helps readers brainstorm performance measures, sell KPI projects to the Board and senior management, and accurately report performance Features the “KPI Project Leaders Corner” which provides readers with essential information and useful exercises Includes an array of practical tools–templates, checklists, performance measures–and a companion website (www.davidparmenter.com)Key Performance Indicators: Developing, Implementing, and Using Winning KPIs, 4th Editionis important resource for C-suite executives, senior management, project teams, external project facilitators, and team coordinators involved in all aspects of performance management systems.
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