英语电子书|40 Rules for Internet Business Success: Escape the 9 to 5, Do Work You Love, and Build a Profitable Online Business

书籍英文名: 40 Rules for Internet Business Success: Escape the 9 to 5, Do Work You Love, and Build a Profitable Online Business
书籍作者:Paulson Matthew.
书籍简介:Throw away your business plan! Create a scalable business model that actually works.
Identify a target market that is desperate for your company’s products and services.
Launch your first product or service faster by building a minimum viable business.
Create a reliable and repeatable marketing strategy to keep new customers coming.
Build systems that make your business run like a well-oiled machine.
Maximize your company’s earnings potential with the three keys of revenue growth.
No matter what your goals are for online business success: 40 Rules will help you turn your dream of owning a profitable Internet business into reality
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