书籍英文名:Gone with the Wind
书籍作者:玛格丽特·米切尔 Margaret Mitchell
书籍简介: Gone with the Wind is an indelible portrait of a unique time and place, American’s greatest political and moral conflict, and the myths that surround it — an all absorbing spectacle of a read even for postmodern readers. Mitchell vividly portrays the disillusionment and devastation of war, the ignorance of the uninitiated, and the transformation of arrogance into tenacity that shaped the first “new South.” All the details of history and place come together as a rich backdrop for those unforgettable characters: shallow and selfish Scarlett, sincere Melanie, moony-eyed Ashley, and the sage, pragmatic, dashing, and rakish Rhett Butler–the most enduring heartthrob of American literature has produced. I’d reread the book for the thrill of Rhett alone!” 故事发生在佐治亚州的琼斯博罗和亚特兰大,讲述了南北战争期间(American Civil War)、内战后南方重新组织并与联邦政府重建关系的过程(Reconstruction)及其后女主人公斯嘉丽·奥哈拉(一个农场主的女儿)的传奇生活。
《飘》凝结了玛格丽特(1900.10.8 — 1949.8.16)十年的心血,这是她生前唯一出版的一部小说,玛格丽特原意署名Tomorrow is Another Day,后出版商认为与此书名相似的书太多,建议玛格丽特想一个新名字,“飘”取自恩斯特·道森的诗:“我忘却的太多了,Cynara!随风而去。”(”I have forgot much, Cynara! gone with the wind”)。从出版至今,《飘》在全球的销售量早已超过3000万册,被奉为经典名著。
① 1937年,玛格丽特凭借该小说获得普利策奖(Pulitzer Prize);
② 1939年,该小说的同名改编电影成为第12届奥斯卡金像奖(Academy Award)的大赢家;
③ 20世纪70年代,被改编为音乐舞台剧《斯嘉丽》,2008年重新演绎的音乐剧《乱世佳人》在伦敦西区公演。