A pub crawl
平常英国人晚上很愿意去 pub, 经常在一个 bar 里面喝完酒,接着去下一个,这 样的活动,就叫 a pub crawl
A girl who wears not a lot 一般是对妓女的称呼,进益词有:trollop, whore, slag, slut
说女性的阴部,进益词有:fanny, pussy, vent 注:they are all very crude words
对女人的称呼:girl, gal, lady, “bird”, bitch, chick
对男人的称呼:lad, boy, guy
男人之间经常说的一句话:that bird is well fit =那妞真靓 = that woman is remarkably attractive (compliment)
大家一起出去喝一杯, 都可以怎么说:going out for drinks = out on the piss, or getting battered/leathered/pissed, or going out to pubs, on a night out, or drinking alcohol
女人的胸部都可以怎么说:breasts, tits, baps, knockers, jugs, boobies
夸女人长得漂亮都可以怎么说:attractive, gorgeous, beautiful, fit, stunning, very attractive=fucking fit
英国人口语里面,说 cool 有另外一种方法,就是 wicked, wicked 本身是一个脏 字,可是当一个人竖着大拇指对你说 wicked, 是称赞的意思,没有贬义,意思 就是,“吊!”。除了用 wicked, 还可以怎样表达:that’s good, that’s cool, top
男性之间,对朋友的称呼:friend=mate, buddy, fella
什么什么快了=nearly XXXX, e.g. nearly finish, 快完成了
怎么说一个人是傻子:an idiot = wanker, dickhead, tosser, twat
这个人太狂了: this guy is too pretentious 屁股用英文怎么说:ass/bum/arse/bottom
乳房很大,波涛汹涌,这个波涛汹涌用英文怎么说: bounce, the boobies are bouncing
唉,今天太郁闷了(状态很不好): I was very miserable today Pub 常识: doublevision —- on Mondays
Time tunnel —- on Saturdays
前锋= stiker/forwards
后卫= defends/backwards
两翼= wing backs
阵型= form
茄子,这种蔬菜,英文说法是: aubergine
一英镑,可以说 one pound, 南边,尤其是伦敦的人,还会说 one quid Me too = same here
一般说:您先请,平时在中国都会学到的是:after you 我在英国发现一种新的说法:prime you
CU = close up 特写
BCU = big close up 大特写 WS = wide shot 远景