英语电子书|Broadcast News Writing, Reporting, and Producing, Fifth Edition
书籍英文名:Broadcast News Writing, Reporting, and Producing, Fifth Edition
书籍作者:Frank Barnas, Ted White
书籍简介:Broadcast News Writing, Reporting, and Producing presents a solid foundation for any student learning how to become a broadcast journalist in today’s world of convergent journalism. The broadcast industry continues to morph as newer and more advanced content platforms are hatched and developed, and broadcast journalists must understand how to writer, report, and produce for multiple platforms simultaneously. Broadcast News Writing, Reporting, and Producing is completely overhauled to reflect the trends of convergent journalism on every page. New co-author Frank Barnas brings a multi-faceted perspective of writing, reporting, and producing that allows for multi-platform delivery systems, and shows students with real-world examples the functions and practices of today’s media. The new edition has been rewritten and restructured to accommodate common 16-week course modules, and is now divided into four major sections of the news: gathering, writing, reporting, and producing. The comprehensive approach of this text brings a multi-tiered perspective of writing, reporting, and producing that is needed more than ever in today’s world of convergent journalism. New photos and illustrations, a restructuring of the text, expanded end-of-chapter exercises, newer and more relevant examples, and more information on producing all contribute to giving readers what they need most: a nuanced understanding of how the media of today function in a world without news boundaries. * Comprehensive text that spans gathering, writing, reporting, and producing the news* Convergence in the news process is fully covered throughout the text in a sidebar feature* Relevant examples and new photos used throughout text
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